Sunday, September 14, 2014


As promise, here's my review for the 


I've been using this product lesser than a year now (purchased from HBC shops). I think, after two months of using this, that's when I partnered it with the SOS (Save our Skin) product. 

Before I use this soap, my skin was on a "pre-acne stage" (if there's such a thing. hahaha). Reddish, tiny pimply, itchy... just like what I felt before I had my acne-peak season (again, if there's such a thing) when I was 16-17 years old. At that time I was so nervous and  paranoid that my skin would get worse as that. And so I tried this, ACNE SOAP from HBC. 

I love the packaging because it's pink. :) It looks as clinically-prepared as the acne soap that I got from my derma which successfully cured my acne-filled face  (16-17 years old) but when I started having break outs again (19 years old), it failed to give me same results, and so (like I've said earlier) I tried a different product. 

Because I was able to use two acne soaps (the past and the present) I'll just compare my observations between the two soaps. 

  • It is more affordable (65 pesos) compared to what I used previously. 
  • When applied to skin, it is not as painful as my previous soap even with pimples. Cuz, you see, I once thought that if it's painful, then the soap is working for it's actually cleaning the skin or fighting bacteria and so on... on my face. But even I didn't feel pain as I've washed using the acnesol soap, my skin still feels clean. 
  • Moreover, it didn't irritate my skin. 
  • Acnesol soap lathers well which helped me preserve the soap longer compared to my previous soap. 
  • It smells nicer compared with my last acne soap. 
  • Lastly, it cured my pimples. Once in a while I still get pimples esp. when I'm PMSing but pimples just last not more than two days. With that I still feel thankful and happy.

Overall I would like to give this product slow claps together with SOS (I partnered with this soap) *slowly clapping :) thank you 

***I would like to credit following pictures of the products which I grabbed from 

Thank you for viewing my page! I hope this somehow help

This has been Yours Truly,

Friday, September 12, 2014

SOS (Save Our Skin) Topical Solution with Vitamin E

I've been very busy with my school responsibilities for the last couple of months, that I forgot about my blog. *sob... Anyhow, I like to be back with this entry. *yey

My pimples started to be histrionic since the year of 2013. (I'll be making a blog post particular of how I rid off my pimply face or actually acne off my face, one of these days). For now, here's one of the products I used for the intention to clear out my pimps !!!

SOS(Save Our Skin)

 I heard about this product through my good friend. I was so hesitant to try this, at first. I was like,  "screw these pimps !!! I got rid off them once and now they're back with vengeance! Like I don't wanna spend another cent for it. It's hopeless" So you see? It's not about the product itself that I didn't wanna try it but the fact that I've been trying to cure or if not just lessen these stubborn pimps of mine, for at least four years. 
However, I still ended up trying the product. Why? First, because of its cheap price. (I am stingy btw :) ) So I convinced myself it's cheap for 99 pesos compared to the products the derma recommended me to use (about the products the derma recommended, it worked well actually. I even got a very healthy&clear skin but... just for one year after that I think my face just got immune from the chemicals of those products and the next thing I knew, I'm back with pimply-face, not as acne as my first breakouts but it's on its way. I just knew). 

I've been using the product for seven months now (I only apply it before I sleep). 
Here's what I've got to say:

*Noticeable results
February- I started using it; May- I noticed good results (good as in- lesser red areas on my face, pimples started clearing out). 
For now, once I felt like having a pimple I immediately get it treated by applying SOS on that part of the skin before I sleep. And I can really say that SOS helps keep that bump from developing into that large, scary & painful pimp. But it didn't clear out pimple marks so I guess another product could work on that.
*When applied
It's gooey but quickly absorbs by skin. I just find the smell of it, weird but bearable. haha

Its deo-like packaging made the application hard especially at first when I have plenty fresh sensitive pimples. (tip: roll the SOS as lightly as you can on your skin)

Overall I would like to give this product slow claps together with HBC acne soap (soap I partnered with SOS and I'll post review about this product next) *slowly clapping :) thank you 

***I would like to credit following picutres of the SOS product that I've got online thanks!
Thank you for viewing my page! I hope this somehow help

This has been Yours Truly,